Friday, March 5, 2010

Reflections on a Perfect Brew

For your enjoyment, and because I've been too busy to write a post of my own, another post written by my Daddy, aka the Brewmeister:

One day the Brewmeister was contemplating his latest masterful creation affectionately called Bill's Kickass Hard Lemonade. He was enjoying the praise coming from his pie eyed youngest when the phone rang. It was his oldest; it was a complaint about his favorite ale*, Bill's Kickass Ale. The Brewmeister was devastated; his prize product was not being loved and appreciated. It was too flavorful, too strong. At first the Brewmeister attributed it to Richard's Syndrome, named after a victim named Richard who drank too much MGD, a form of supermarket swill. His atrophied taste buds regenerated after drinking copious supplies of Bill's Kickass Ale allowing him to rejoin the human race.

The Brewmeister was devastated by this negativity! But rather than sulk in blatant self pity he reacted in a positive manner befitting a Brewmeister. This blatant negativity interacted with his natural creativity stimulated the Brewmeister to create a brand new brew, a reduced flavor brew (The Brewmeister does not acknowledge the legitimacy of so called lite or low carb beer. These are lame attempts to merchandise swill to brainwashed consumers who waste too much time watching television and actually believe their misleading and boring commercials.) After some experimentation, a new product was born, Bill's Cheapass Ale!! It has all the positive attributes of Bill's Kickass Ale but will not overpower the sensitive taste buds of the ladies. Men can enjoy it too**!

Only the Brewmeister can improve what the Brewmeister has created.

~~~~~Copy LiteralDan Section~~~~~

*He is referring to WeaselMomma's review of his Bill's Kickass Ale, click the link in the post to view the video she made of her trying it.

**The new recipe he developed, Bill's Cheapass Ale, is pretty much all he makes now and so he DOES enjoy it, quite regularly, lol!


WeaselMomma said...

Funny. I still haven't had the chance to review he lighter brew, but am hoping to do so soon.

The Microblogologist said...

I wanted to get this post up before you did try it so it works out for me that you haven't yet =)

LiteralDan said...

That beard gives him all the gravitas he needs to make these kinds of assertions. Anyone who takes the time to cultivate such a piece of facial hair must have the patience to perfect a work of art like this.

The Microblogologist said...

LiteralDan: Once he reads your comment you will officially be his blogger BFF! He is extremely proud of that beard (partly because Mom hates it) and calling his brew a work of art... I suspect that he'll be asking me for your address, lol.

Richard said...

My dear niece,

As you know, I happen to like MGD. I like your dad's stuff, too. Only shows my tastes are eclectic:)

Love & blessings

The Microblogologist said...

Dearest Uncle you know as well as I do that Daddy prefers his version of the story better than reality/yours. Perhaps someday it might be fun to have the two of you collaborate on a post telling of a shared experience you've had...

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Genial dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Missives From Suburbia said...

You're posting less often than I am at this rate, m'dear!

The Microblogologist said...

My Dear Miss Sue Burbia, I've missed you! Your allegedly slow post rate will help me catch up when I finish my exams and get caught up with work, can't wait!