Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I am so busted, again.

I have a confession to make. My anal-retentive obsessive compulsive nature pretty much forces me to go back and read a blog from the beginning. I love to read, have since I finally "got" it one day in first grade (getting to that point almost killed Mom and me, I went from bottom of the class to almost head of the class overnight once it clicked but before it clicked...). To me blogs are like somewhat interactive books, and they are like reading a series (who doesn't love series books?!). You can NOT start reading a series at the end or in the middle, you HAVE to start with the first one (oh crap I am my mother)! And so when a new blog is brought to my attention I will go back into the archives and read from the whole thing. I rarely comment on old posts because I am not sure what the blog etiquette is, I think it likely varies depending on the blog author, and of course sometimes I feel a bit stalkerish and don't want them to think I am a freak or dangerous or anything... I mean I am totally cool with someone commenting on any of my old posts, especially the Guess that Gizmo posts, but not everyone seems to be. But there is one person who I know where stands on this issue. She commented on the last Guess that Gizmo (I adore you for that BTW, and everyone's comments on those crack me up, laughing with not at) and so I just had to check her out.

So I'm cruising her archives, laughing at the antics of her goat children (she calls her kids goats, I find this highly amusing). Noting that she is almost completely crazy, she is a fellow grad student but is getting a masters degree and so crazy but not completely crazy, though having kids at the same time might well bump the level up to the equivalent of me getting a doctorate with no children... She lives in one of my favorite states, though she is not too happy about it and I can kinda understand since I only visit and not live there when I go. Her daughter reminds me of my monkey niece at that age*, perhaps she should refer to her as a mountain goat since they can scale high peeks too, just they are not looking for markers and chocolate donuts...

So I am snickering at the picture of her mountain goat covered in marker (heehehehehe), and I happen to glance over and read her twitter thingy:

"Whoever you are, reading through my old posts, Hi, and thanks for coming! Would it KILL YOU to leave me a comment?!? (XOXO)"
And it gives me a flashback to when NukeDad outed my lurker butt on his blog. Interesting, I wonder if this happens to other lurkers or if I am just extra delurkable... Either way it cracked me up! And so I will start leaving some comments on her old posts and hope I don't die by doing so and if I do it is totally her fault and she will have to find my boss a new pet microbiologist, preferably one who can work out the contamination issues that are STILL going on...

So Waltz in Exile, it is I, Karen the microblogologist returning the visit, thank you for your original visit and awesome comment on my humble blog. I will be commenting, I was just trying to not appear too stalkerish as I mentioned above. =)

Edited to add that I didn't die and I totally forgot to add the footnote in my rush to make it to water aerobics, so here it is:

*Niecey seems to not be as much of a climber, she will climb but it isn't as bad as it was when she was 2-3ish. I may be wrong, I'll make Baby Sibling read this post and leave a comment making fun of me for foolishly believing she is no longer a total monkey if I am incorrect.


Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Karen, I don't think there's anything wrong with stalkers. Blog stalkers, I mean. I've always wanted one, actually. And also, well, I should confess that I have no freaking clue about blog etiquette myself. If I find a new blog and I like it, I, too, have to read from "go" because how else will I understand everything? (I just never expected that anyone else did this, nor that I had anything remotely amusing enough to get someone to go back and read through, so THIS has made my day!)
And can I just say how glad (read: shocked) I am that my Twitter message actually WORKED? I mean, in terms of getting you to comment. Which will NOT kill you. At least, as far as I know. But I'm no PhD Microbiologist, so take that with a grain of salt. (If you don't live through water aerobics I am going to feel like such a jerk.)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha whelpling still climbs though now her thing is hopping on one foot and whipping things with big bear's bow. That and parroting the television as it narrates, oi that drives me nuts. Probably why she does it. LOL .

The Microblogologist said...

Well I did kinda almost drown the other day... I am semi-planning a water aerobics post so I won't elaborate now. Glad we were able to make each others' day/night =)!

LiteralDan said...

I love comments of all shapes and sizes, and I've also wished people visiting old posts would leave their thoughts, to satisfy my curiosity. Whenever I reread my old ones, I have plenty of comments (not usually good ones), so I figure at least some of the people must be repressing theirs for some reason. Must be some odd idea of blog etiquette, like you suggest.

The Microblogologist said...


Perhaps if everyone posted in their intro what their blog etiquette views are then people like me, who go back and read the archives will know if it is cool or stalkeresque. I've encountered people who at least seemed to not like people commenting on their old posts, sometimes it is people who get tons of comments and likely are just overwhelmed by the volume. I've read every single post you've ever posted (unless you ever deleted any) and all the comments in my head for them before delurking were friendly, who in the world would leave you a bad comment?!

So far I have not yet pissed anyone off and gotten one myself, I am still not 100% sure what I will do if and when I do inspire nastiness. I detest captchas (or however that is spelled, I am somewhat captcha challenged) so didn't want to use them and decided to go with the comment moderation method. While I am all for freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas this is my blog, my outlet, and I don't want someone to ruin that for me and anyone who reads this blog, they can start their own blog! Or I could publish it and get some sympathy points, probably will depend on what they attack and how.

Anonymous said...

You rock. I definately appreciate the comments. I think for the longest time i had a lurkery person and it got really annoying. love your blog though. =)

The Microblogologist said...

Welcome to my blog FGN. I wasn't the annoying lurker, I commented on yours shortly after starting to read it. And you and your blog rock as well =)!